Hello! My name is Naja, and welcome to my blog!
I am a Senior in high school, and upon graduating I am planning on pursuing a Bachelor in Fine Arts (BFA), in Musical Theatre. My background, and general appreciation for the arts is what led me into taking the AICE Media Studies course, as it was an opportunity to learn more about the other side of the arts world. This course is the purpose for my making this blog, and I plan to document the process for the AICE exam portfolio. I am thrilled to be able to have the opportunity to create my own film opening, as I have a deep admiration for cinema. I love so many films that it is nearly impossible for me to choose a favorite, but a very very small portion of my favorites include; Pride & Prejudice, Call Me By Your Name, Whiplash, and Interstellar. It pains me to leave out the rest of the ages long list, but it is necessary. For my film opening, I am torn between which genre to use. I would love to do a drama, as there is a wide variety of options within the genre, but I also am very fond of horror films, and would enjoy making a film opening for the genre. The only downside about doing horror films, are that many of these films are not well done. They are quite entertaining, but it might be offensive to consider them art. But there is a lot of time to figure this out, and I look forward to documenting the process on this blog!!