So, less than 24 hours later of being completely lost on what direction to take this project, I am finally starting to get an idea on what I would like to do. Something about the Dunkirk film opening awakened something within me, and has inspired me to create a film opening that sets a tone. I have also decided that instead of choosing between horror, and drama … why not do both? Although I know there is no real genre that merges horror and drama, but to me that’s basically what a thriller is.
I would like to use teenagers as my actors in my opening, because not only would it be more convenient for me casting wise, but he TED talk we viewed in class from the Pixar director Andrew Stanton (I will include down below), he mentioned that we should create what we know. Teenage life is what I know! Since, the ideas have now begun whirling in my mind, I am pretty sure that my plan for the film is going to change about 700 times from now until April (or May). But, at the moment I am pretty set on doing a found footage type of opening. Now what that entails exactly, I am not sure, but it’s progress!
The next step in research will be watching as many found footage, and thriller films as possible. While my main focus will be on the openings, I think it would be beneficial to view the whole film and observe how the opening sets up the rest. I am excited to see what I come up with in the next few months. So stay tuned for some research!!
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